Small Business Loans

Questions? Read our FAQ

Have you applied for a small business loan in the past year?

Have you or any principal/partners ever had a bankruptcy?

If yes, how many years ago?

Are you or any principal involved in any pending lawsuits?

If yes describe

Are all your current taxes paid?

Do you owe money on student loans?

If yes, are you current w/payments

Do you have the ability to make a down payment on the loan?

If Yes How Much?

Do you own your own home

If Yes How many years

How much equity is in your home

Describe any additional collateral you can offer

Will there be partners

If married will spouse be on the loan

Are you and partners US citizens

If no, do they have a "green card"

Have you ever been arrested or convicted of a criminal offense

If yes, when & explain

If opening a franchise, have you been approved?





Phone Number:






Zip/Postal Code:

Ammount Required:

Additional Comments:


Lender/Investors:  investors tag.jpg Have Money to Place

Borrowers Looking for Capitalapply now.gif

Email us your a copy of your Loan Request or Business Plan



CFO Capital Partners, its affiliates and principals are not a United States Securities Dealer nor Broker nor US Investment Adviser.  CFO Capital Partners, its affiliates and principals is a  Consulting Firm and in some instances a Private Investor. All Emails and related correspondence are never to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content. We do not intend to, nor do we, provide investment advice or counsel to any particular transaction. You, as the Recipient, hereby acknowledges this warning and disclaimer. If acknowledgment is not accepted, Recipients must return the document copies, in their original condition, to the Sender via email or postal services immediately