List in our Index of Accredited Investor Opportunities
This is an index of private investment opportunities listed by principals of private/public companies who under the advice of experienced securities counsel claim an exemption from the registration requirements under the Securities Act of 1933. These listings are not an offer of securities. An offer can only be made by the issuer to investors who have proved to the issuer that they qualify as Accredited Investors as defined in Rule 501 Regulation D. More information on Accredited InvestorsAnyone listing in this Index assures CFO Capital Partners that they have relied upon advice from experienced securities counsel that by listing the information in this Index about their exempt offering is not in violation of Regulation D of the Securities Act.
To list, please provide the following:
contact person,
state/ country in which business is located,
email address,
telephone number,
contact person,
Email the information to Copy and paste the following into your email message: "Securities counsel has advised that listing in this Index would not be in violation of any securities regulations. I agree to hold CFO Capital Partners harmless from any liabilities incurred by me should my listing on this Index be a securities violation."
To list in this Index, but unverified by CFO Capital Partners, the listing principals advise that:
They have had a professional business plan prepared for the business;
The financial statements on the business has been prepared or reviewed by a qualified Certified Public Accountant.
A Private Placement Memorandum has been professionally prepared or reviewed by experienced securities counsel;
They have a legal opinion that the offering is exempt from registration requirements under the Securities Act of 1933.
Lender/Investors: Have Money to Place
Borrowers Looking for Capital
Email us your a copy of your Loan Request or Business Plan
CFO Capital Partners, its affiliates and principals are not a United States Securities Dealer nor Broker nor US Investment Adviser. CFO Capital Partners, its affiliates and principals is a Consulting Firm and in some instances a Private Investor. All Emails and related correspondence are never to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content. We do not intend to, nor do we, provide investment advice or counsel to any particular transaction. You, as the Recipient, hereby acknowledges this warning and disclaimer. If acknowledgment is not accepted, Recipients must return the document copies, in their original condition, to the Sender via email or postal services immediately